This API shows the Astronomy Picture of the day. I used the fetch() method to fetch the title, date, image and description from the Nasa API portal. I created an h1, p and img element using JavaScript to store the items that I retrieved from the Nasa API. I proceeded to append all of the elements to the parent element, It is a really important step because otherwise the element's content will not display. If you are interested to see how I built this API make sure to visit my GitHub account where I have the repositories for this project and more. Visit Nasa API Website
This is a simple API that I created using mapbox. On the map you can see a heatmap layer over Los Angeles. This project was meant to teach me how to connect to any API. Check out the Map API Website
The main goal for building this project was to use basic JavaScript concepts to show that I had a very good understanding of arrays, methods, loops and funcitons. There is a list of random string games. The first challenge was to alphabetize the list, the second challenge was to capitalize the first letter of each word in the array. I used a nested for loop to solve that problem. The final challenge consisted in making a random list item change color when you click a button, for this problem I used funcitons to achieve the desired outcome. Visit JavaScript Small Project Website
Creating the Girls and Boys Club website was easy. I just had to create a navigation bar with links to additional pages containing information about the organization. I went to looking for images that could support the overall theme of the website. I have become an expert at styling images. My goal was to find a unique image for every page. I had to include the logo in the navigation mune too. It was easier than I expected. For this specific project I had to use html and css. I learned a lot of new css properties. The most important thing I learned was the box model and how it works. Visit Girls and Boys Club Website